
Lack of sleep.

Having a bit trouble sleeping again this days, it's annoying ( so, I end playing with my blog's template because of that, w)

For last night's dinner I tried to make lasagna and failed dramatically. I contemplated posting a picture (mostly for a certain punk that wouldn't stop complaining that I never made HIM lasagna) but
it was too disastrous to even attempt.

It broke down, collapsed on itself and ended up looking like some weird kind of stew.

Well, as far as I'm concerned it's ok, I dislike lasagna either way, I'll make Bolognese Spaghetti next time, I can't fail there. Hopefully.

5 件のコメント:

  1. Wah? How can you fail with lasagna? I even made it with my sis o.o; (but then again simple style). I'm guessing you went all fancy, added a bunch of vegetables that ended up making the thing too soggy. One of my friend's mom makes AMAZING lasagna *drools*

    Of course you have Miyavi in the background haha...with a red collar? I wont ask...haha. I've been searching new guitars to get and everyone keeps telling me of this company I've never heard of called BreedLove Guitars. I love the name, so I'm really considering buying one. Gabby (the bunny girl) said that she owns a cheaper one from that company and it sounds amazing, but I'm thinking of getting one from their pro series.

    I was talking with her bro cuz she said he's even better than her, and he said if I wanna try slappity slap style, then I should get rosewood back and side and cedar top, so think Imma get that and see if I can figure out how to do a drum beat on a guitar while playing haha *totally fails*.

  2. I don't know how I failed, don't ask me, never failed it before. But it's probably the lack of sleep. I'm pretty sure I had everything right, ah well.

    What's wrong with Miyavi + red? And don't be jealous on my webdesign skills w.

    Oh and lastly, you wanna learn slap guitar? That's great, Tatsu can show you some when you come to Japan, he's not bad at it w. ( However, never heard of that guitar company. My advice is, just get a good guitar, slap sounds better on rosewood, but it sounds ok on almost any acoustic, and since you're not specialized on it yet it's better to take other things into consideration too when buying it. Well, I guess we can go around and check some guitar shops just so you get an idea)

  3. Ah..Kitte-nii im really worried...Please get some sleep..Try your best ok?

  4. Haha, I meant more the collar than the color haha. Don't expect me to be able to do any slapping before I get there tho @.@; Doubt I'll be able to learn, cuz I'm just making it up then looking it up haha.
