...You surf TV channels half asleep in the middle of the night and stumble upon the newest anime release...about some Christian 'martyr' 13 year old boy with a dubious Russian name that gets his powers to fight by sucking milk from virgin women's breasts.
Where is this country going?
Hopefully I won't see any 12 year old boys trying to suck their classmates for super powers any time soon.
WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did they found out my powers? haha jk jks. But dang, you think Japan has done it all and *BAM* they pull out something like this x.x;;
返信削除By the way, nice entry before this one haha. It was a lil confusing with all the "Because" stuff and not saying what it was, but I think I got it haha.
I think I might tell my leader that I want to join the China/Japan missions tho. I dunno, I just don't feel any calling to go to Guam. So maybe I'll be able to go (the leaders pray about it, so its not definite I'll go tho).
IT WAS pictures!! * neverous breakdown*. Something happened...I have no clue what. AND NONE of them would show anymore. I need to try and fix that...heck I need to try and sleep.
返信削除Yes, come to Japan bwhahaha
Ya, I find out either today or tomorrow, so I'll try to post it right away~ Go pig rockstars xD
返信削除I'm trying not to get too excited about it, because I want it to first of all be the right decision for you. So I'm hoping that whatever it is, it will help you evolve.