So for a turn, I'll write about things I love. This is mostly inspired by the fact that it's weekend and I'm home. Yeah, I finally decided Tokyo is the place I consider my home, and you'll probably laugh if you read this J but it's partially thanks to you. It's amazing how you decided to fallow your own path, even despite the potential dangers,
I know you will be safe and well taken care of.
Anyways, back to the topic...I was having a late night talk with Tatsu
and he
pointed how negative my entire mind frame really is. I always think about what I could have done better, of the things I can't do or can't help, to me is half empty but never half full...So he told me, for a moment, I should just think of the things I really love and nothing else. H
e told me not to tell him, so instead, I decided to just post it here.


^^^Because it's manly

^^^Because it's the most kick ass phone strap in the world.
Thank you baby w
^^^Because it keeps me awake through endless hours of study.

^^^Because it's hard to survive mornings without it w.

^^^Because this guitar will rock the world.

^^^Because it's iPhone.

^^^Because as amazing and diverse the world is, the sky above us is always the same

^^^Because they have good taste in men. 笑

^^^Because they're probably the craziest people alive.

^^^Because it's where I learned change is not necessarily bad, and made many awesome ( noisy) friends.

^^^Because he's a star wwwww

And lastly...

ww Because I'd LOVE to see J's face when he sees this.
This turned out longer than I expected or intended, but I'm happy to have it all down. There's still things I didn't say or mention...but it made me realize there's a lot more things I love, than those that I hate. That's good. I don't want to grow old and bitter...w
HAHAHA, Now I gets it hahahaha. Oh man, who's that sexy beast in that last photo? :O!!
返信削除Dang, that really is the best phone strap ever o.o did you make it yourself?
Hahah, oh how we love euro fans hehe. And ya, they have good taste indeed haha.
I gotta say, the best picture of them all is the pig pillow hahah It's just too amazing xD.
The guy in the last picture? You should see his soon to be beach body! w
返信削除Phone strap-, no I didn't make it it's a present from Tatsu but I think he did make it...I never asked tho.
Yeah, aren't Euro fans so pretty? Next time I can spread flyers with your e-mail if you'd like.
And that pig is a true ROCKSTAR.
No way he's getting beach body'd before i do!
返信削除Who are those people who "have good taste in men"? Could it be that...!? (Suspance~)
They are....*drum rolls* ...fangirls!
返信削除Oh I wanted to post a picture of the ToA stone but couldn't find it.