
To J.- hoping you're safe.

J, I hope you managed to escape the polar bear that was chasing you through Shibuya last night.

I really wanted to come and save you but Kage kept insisting I ate some cookies first.

Imagine my face when I woke up. w


WHAT was I thinking?

So I want to dig a hole and hide there from exams.

Better yet, I'll shave my head and run in the mountains.

WHAT was I thinking taking this many classes????????

So now it's 4 exams down and only 9 to go. 9 is a really encouraging number, perhaps I'll actually have time to breath since I only have 9! left.

So lately I've been driving everyone insane with my complaining/ compulsive studying - well, since I haven't done any studying for months, and I blame a certain punk.

I sometimes read whole chapters but I have the feeling I'm not even reading more like looking at the page for 5 seconds, next page and so on. But in the morning I wake up and revise and the info seems to be there. At least my brother from the very pits of hell has decided to turn 180 degrees and is actually helping me every day.

I think that comment with he's not on the list of things I love anymore got to him.

Seriously, weekend seems a life time away. I just want chiken and a good sleep...

Ok I want more but I'll be nice and not say it here.

PS: Yes J I want to eat chiken!


Things I love& accents

Coffee on my nightstand in the morning with a ridiculous post it on it...w

I feel like exams and Kyoto are a world away from this place, and I actually noticed, I completely loose my Kyoto accent the moment I set foot home, it's so weird.

Actually, Sho was telling me that when I talk on the phone home, I immediately switch back to Osaka accent. I'm probably a bit of an accent chameleon w,when I get to Tokyo for the weekend, I switch to kantou-ben too, I can't help it. But this 3 are the strongest accents, so I doubt I'd be able to go with the flow just anywhere.

Kyoto, well I'm living there for almost 2 years now, and my uncle,despite his Osaka-ish bad guy self actually has a pretty heavy Kyoto accent. So I find myself replecing the -chau I use a bit too much with -mou before I even realize I'm doing it. Lucky I didn't take to using 'wa' at the end of sentances ( wa is a normal ending particle in Kyoto, but it's what girls use in Tokyo w)

Osaka, well back when I first met Taa-ko, he had the worst Osaka accent, that and the way he doesn't speak clearly either way made me want to hit him every time we had longer conversation. But, my Japanese was rusty then and he kept using slang, not to mention his own words that I have yet to find in a dictionary, so it was sink or swim w. But I have yet to completly get rid of oki ni, and honma, and ya nen.

And finally Tokyo...well, this is my home. I went to school there first, and I had to struggle to talk properly because of the Osaka-ben constantly drilled in my head. But it would have looked really bad for a student to use that, so I spent a long time paying careful attention to the way I spoke.

After so many years Tatsu too started loosing that Osaka ben, but even to this day if we have long conversations, we both switch to feels good though, like it makes the talk more intimate.

But all this accents confusion is not really bad, it's like a reflection of the different parts of my personality and life. At least I have them, unlike Kaji, who still sounds like a gaijin wwwww.

Talking about the wolf, don't get in much trouble while I'm away ( I don't wanna miss the fun)

















I'm just complaining about endless exams and projects, so there's nothing much worth translating. And I don't want to write much in English so that J doesn't have to make out with the screen for my sake w.

Back to learning.



Night out.





So today I was just attending my usual classes when Sho ( for those who don't know, he's my best friend so to say) comes to me and tells me there's this buy 2 beers get 1 free in a club I don't remember hearing of before.

Now of course I was completely uninterested as I'd only drink beer if it was for a bet or I was already pissed drunk, but apparently half of our last year had already organized to go there, including Kaji ( as if he ever misses something like this, no matter the faculty) and one of our teachers, who I found out tonight, is just 28 ( same age as my Tatsu funny) so I got half dragged along.

It turned out it was, presumably classic rock night - Beetles? wtf. But at least the 3 for the price of 2 ( based on student id) promotion was also available for Screwdrivers. So me, Kaji and Sho bought ourselves 3 and this smartass ( who was drinking beer) decided to play this game we call 'nana'. It's basically....everybody counts, and if a number that contains 7 or is a multiple of 7 you have to say 'nana' instead of said number...get it wrong and you drink. Well, me Kaji and Sho played that drinking vodka against people drinking beer.

And what is worse, I only had time to grab a bowl of rice before class today, as I was working on a project before Uni. So...2 shots of vodka later I found myself cought in a conversation of : what happens when you get drunk: I said I get horny, Kaji said he gets kinky and Sho said he gets funny. Right, the heck he gets funny. Thing is...Tarou, one of the guys in my year didn't just get tipsy, he got drunk, so he started touching people underneath the table ( in case you're wondering, no. He actually has a girlfriend) and I told him I'd cut his hands and shove them down his pants if he did it again, but then, apparently when he did it to Sho, he said " I wouldn't mind if it were Shin tho..."

I'm not sure how I feel about my best friend saying that...drunk or not ( tho I have yet to see Sho drunk)
So for the rest of the night I kept to Kaji and his side of the table, and I gave up drinking anymore but then Kaji got friendly with one of his ex girlfriends again so I had to go home with Sho, who apparently noticed his line made me pretty uncomfortable, so he told me that he wasn't drunk and I seriously wanted to just magically disappear somewhere in the snow...too bad I'm not all white.

But then all he said was..."that punk is a lucky man" and that's when the train came ( I couldn't take my car anymore)

Obviously for the rest of the train ride I thought about it. Sho doesn't get drunk, so I trust him on that...actually I trust him with pretty much everything, but it would make me really uncomfortable to know I am making him uncomfortable.

And mostly since I don't feel like telling you all this on the phone I wrote it here,beibi hope you won't curse me for all the English.

Whatever it is that Sho meant I'm hoping it won't change anything. So now it's 4 am and I'm feeling still slightly dizzy, I'm surprised my English didn't fail dramatically.

もし どうしてtxtしなかった考えば











What are brothers for...

Well, even ignoring the constant spamming of text messages about activities I am NOT interested in, and not only sharing my bed, but pushing me off it at least twice a night - when I'm lucky or he is too tired- lately, my dear twin is trying to prove he's actually sent from the pits of hell to torture me.

...Today I woke up to the lovely tune of...this.

At max volume of course.

My dearest BIG brother.Let me tell you that you are most definetly not on the list of things I love anymore. Actually, I have a pretty good idea why your picture won't show. You are too evil even for the internet.

Next time you want to wake me up, take your time to grow a sense of decency.




You know you're it's Japan when...

...You surf TV channels half asleep in the middle of the night and stumble upon the newest anime release...about some Christian 'martyr' 13 year old boy with a dubious Russian name that gets his powers to fight by sucking milk from virgin women's breasts.

Where is this country going?
Hopefully I won't see any 12 year old boys trying to suck their classmates for super powers any time soon.


Things I love.

I realized, or rather it's been pointed to me that last time I only wrote about things I hate.

So for a turn, I'll write about things I love. This is mostly inspired by the fact that it's weekend and I'm home. Yeah, I finally decided Tokyo is the place I consider my home, and you'll probably laugh if you read this J but it's partially thanks to you. It's amazing how you decided to fallow your own path, even despite the potential dangers,
I know you will be safe and well taken care of.

Anyways, back to the topic...I was having a late night talk with Tatsu
and he
pointed how negative my entire mind frame really is. I always think about what I could have done better, of the things I can't do or can't help, to me is half empty but never half full...So he told me, for a moment, I should just think of the things I really love and nothing else. H
e told me not to tell him, so instead, I decided to just post it here.



^^^Because it's manly

^^^Because it's the most kick ass phone strap in the world.
Thank you baby w

^^^Because it keeps me awake through endless hours of study.

^^^Because it's hard to survive mornings without it w.

^^^Because this guitar will rock the world.

^^^Because it's iPhone.

^^^Because as amazing and diverse the world is, the sky above us is always the same

^^^Because they have good taste in men. 笑

^^^Because they're probably the craziest people alive.

^^^Because it's where I learned change is not necessarily bad, and made many awesome ( noisy) friends.

^^^Because he's a star wwwww


And lastly...

ww Because I'd LOVE to see J's face when he sees this.

This turned out longer than I expected or intended, but I'm happy to have it all down. There's still things I didn't say or mention...but it made me realize there's a lot more things I love, than those that I hate. That's good. I don't want to grow old and bitter...w



Dentist, French and...Tax on Sex??

Since J has been making fun of me for proposing to start blogs and having no clue what to do with one, I've asked around ( not such a good idea since it resulted in my dear friends at University getting obnoxiously excited over me having a 'secret blog').

Apparently a blog is for 'writing stuff that goes through your head' so right now that's pretty much 3 things ( not counting the parts that would be a bit scaring for at least one of the people reading this)

First would be the Dentist. Well...randomly my teeth started hurting, which made me become just slightly paranoid, so first thing after classes I went to the university's dentist. ( yeah we have that)

He told me there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with my teeth, and that they're just being sensitive ( I noticed that, that is why I went). So when I took to that a bit sarcastically he casually told me it's ok, I just need to avoid, sweet hot and cold things for a while. How can you casually tell a MAN he can't have chocolate?

I hate Dentists.

Second would be French. I studied French for 4 years. Basically not practically. I did the mistake to let others in on this little secret, I've done the even bigger mistake of actually swallowing my pride and using it in France when it was absolutely necessary because French people are incompetent enough to neglect bringing in an interpreter when they have to interact with people from JAPAN, who MIGHT know English, but why the heck would we know French?

Well, I did it, it was over, and I ended thinking it was the noble thing to do. Until my 'boss' asks me to translate something in French for him. I tell him I don't know French. He tells me I do. I tell him there's no way in heaven, earth or hell - to be poetic- that I'd do it.

....I've been working for 2 days and one sleepless night on said article.

Je deteste francaise. I hate French.

And last, but even more so ridiculous. Ever since the miraculous chocolate that makes you pass exams, which I apparently can't eat anymore, I had a bit more time for chatting. So one of my few friend from England tells me that, this politician thinks the youth have totally got out of hand and proposes, a tax on sex before marriage. And death penalty for same sex relationships. For the European Union.

I wonder if he has some distant cousin in IInd world war Germany. I suggest we kill all bad kids while we're at it. Why bother and try to educate them? That costs money!

I am wishing this guy a warm, egao de... from the bottom of my heart.
( also how does he imagine it would work? Unmarried couples just going in and declaring they do have sex, 3 times per day and the average duration is 5 to 10 minutes, or what?)

And this is why I hate politicians. I'm afraid there's a virus running among their kind, and it might be contagious.

Apparently I do have a lot more to say after I actually get a good night sleep.

Let's see you deal with a hyper me, Taa-ko.( i know your reply to this so don't txt me when you read it w)



Exams and What the heck do you do with a Blog?

I am guessing it'll take some getting used to this. What is basically the point behind blogs? Posting pictures? Writing? I have no clue.

Well exam session is going to start soon so I probably won't be thinking about much other than studying for a while, but I'll do my best to keep myself entertaining ( and etertained).

At least it did start well with an exam that went smoother than I could have hopped with a weekend of studying spent only half awake. Some friends have a house in the mountains so I figured going there rather than Tokyo for the weekend was a pretty brilliant idea, I didn't count on the fact that so much clean air and quiet would make me far too sleepy to study.

I kept postponing everything until I was forced to spend a white night covered in books and notes I could barely read ( funny how you think girl writing looks all cute until you need to actually read it). I am confindent what really saved me wasn't the studying, but this

Japanese chocolate that magically enhances your good luck so that you pass the exam!

Isn't it amazing how we have chocolate for every ocassion? So since this actually worked, I'm going to have one before each exam, just in case.

And since I can now just eat chocolate and pass my exams, I also have time to type pointless text in this blog thing. Quite useful isn't it?

btw if my English seems brilliant today, that is because I'm trying to keep awake after another sleepless night. Just another hour....Zzzz