Since J has been making fun of me for proposing to start blogs and having no clue what to do with one, I've asked around ( not such a good idea since it resulted in my dear friends at University getting obnoxiously excited over me having a 'secret blog').
Apparently a blog is for 'writing stuff that goes through your head' so right now that's pretty much 3 things ( not counting the parts that would be a bit scaring for at least one of the people reading this)
First would be the Dentist. Well...randomly my teeth started hurting, which made me become just slightly paranoid, so first thing after classes I went to the university's dentist. ( yeah we have that)
He told me there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with my teeth, and that they're just being sensitive ( I noticed that, that is why I went). So when I took to that a bit sarcastically he casually told me it's ok, I just need to avoid, sweet hot and cold things for a while. How can you casually tell a MAN he can't have chocolate?
I hate Dentists.
Second would be French. I studied French for 4 years. Basically not practically. I did the mistake to let others in on this little secret, I've done the even bigger mistake of actually swallowing my pride and using it in France when it was absolutely necessary because French people are incompetent enough to neglect bringing in an interpreter when they have to interact with people from JAPAN, who MIGHT know English, but why the heck would we know French?
Well, I did it, it was over, and I ended thinking it was the noble thing to do. Until my 'boss' asks me to translate something in French for him. I tell him I don't know French. He tells me I do. I tell him there's no way in heaven, earth or hell - to be poetic- that I'd do it.
....I've been working for 2 days and one sleepless night on said article.
Je deteste francaise. I hate French.
And last, but even more so ridiculous. Ever since the miraculous chocolate that makes you pass exams, which I apparently can't eat anymore, I had a bit more time for chatting. So one of my few friend from England tells me that, this politician thinks the youth have totally got out of hand and proposes, a tax on sex before marriage. And death penalty for same sex relationships. For the European Union.
I wonder if he has some distant cousin in IInd world war Germany. I suggest we kill all bad kids while we're at it. Why bother and try to educate them? That costs money!
I am wishing this guy a warm, egao de... from the bottom of my heart.
( also how does he imagine it would work? Unmarried couples just going in and declaring they do have sex, 3 times per day and the average duration is 5 to 10 minutes, or what?)
And this is why I hate politicians. I'm afraid there's a virus running among their kind, and it might be contagious.
Apparently I do have a lot more to say after I actually get a good night sleep.
Let's see you deal with a hyper me, Taa-ko.( i know your reply to this so don't txt me when you read it w)