That's just a few days from now, though I'm done studying. It still feels surreal, I don't think I've ever noticed what a huge part of my life University has been.
Of course I'm still going for Master's Degree and even further, but this 4 years were the last part of what you'd call adolescence, I'm actually turning 23 this year, that's way past being able to blame everything you do on still being a kid.
So, I'm at the point where I'm literally taking my life in my hands - not that I wasn't under the illusion I've been doing this all along, w. But this time it's different, there's no going back. I guess I'll be missing classes most of all, I loved zoning out during them, good time to clear my head w.
I decided to move to Tokyo before the actual graduation ceremony, so it will probably be around the 18th. It's not that I can't wait anymore ( or maybe it is?) it's just that I'm already feeling restless here, like when you're away from home for a long time...even though practically Kyoto has been home for two years.
And I really dislike loud crazy Tokyo, it's almost funny. But seriously,I've been thinking, Kyoto is so like me and Tokyo is so Kage, as cliche as it sounds. So it makes sense I want to live in Tokyo though I hate it.
Because it's not that I really hate it, it's more that I'm afraid of that fast pace things happen at in Tokyo. But truth is, I've been dragged around at that fast pace all along, I figure, I ought to start walking on my own two and prove I can keep up.
So it's a challenge.
Congrats on finally reaching your last exam! So amazed that you actually made it through :O! So you really are a genius! haha jk jks, no but really, you are haha. Anyways, I had a dream that I went to Tokyo and I met you. You had straight hair up to your shoulders, glasses, pale skin, and...cant remember the rest. Well we were with someone else (a white guy) and we were trying decide where to hang out. We decided to go to some restaurant to drink something, and when we got there, my parents and some church members were there eating haha. So I said an awkward hi, and slipped away. That was a weird dream o.o;
返信削除Hmm, white friend? I wonder, was he spanish or caucasian?
返信削除Also glasses? Do you mean sunglasses, because if so I do wear those a lot, even when they're not necessary w. I'm also aware it's so stupid, but it's like a craze lately, everyone and their sunglasses w. If I wear a cap too, then everyone will just think i'm a girl w.
I wonder what your parents were doing there tho? Were you embarrassed to be in the company of this weird Japanese guy? w
Well in the dream the guy was caucasian, but not really important. You were wearing big rectangle glasses, like normal glasses, not sun glasses haha. And whoa, Shin follows the fads :O! No, you gotta start the fads :O!! haha. *not one to talk tho*
返信削除And ya, I wasn't embarrased of being in the company of a Japanese, more so for going there to drink haha.
GAH! That's today! Or was it yesterday!? GAH! I'm sorry!! Kitte-nii!! Do your best!