Something we've watched this weekend. I've found the book (Orwell's Ninteen Eighty-Four) online last night and I took to reading it in between study sessions.
It's funny how we tend to blindly fallow the path of our own destruction. Of course, there are always people that can actually see the bigger picture, and warn us, trying to point where the path we're blindly fallowing is taking us.
Orwell was one of this people, he saw it in Spain and he saw it in Rusia, and though he warned about it, it was by the very timeline of this book - Ninteen Eighty-Four that parts of Europe really were, regardless, in a state sadly similar to this. But back in the interbellum period they called it modernism and left it at that. I wonder, should some have taken it seriously, could the horrors of Eastern European Communism have been avoided?
There is a Museum dedicated to those very years in Budapest called House of Terror.
Disturbingly similar to what this book describes
Marx must have been trashing in his coffin during those years.
The lesson to this as far as I see it, sometime we should open our eyes wider to our own world, where it is headed, and most of all to the people that have a better, bigger picture of it.
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